Managing Director
Angela Dickinson
Angie Dickinson formed Wesley Marine Windows in 2003.
Angie had qualified as an accountant, a profession seen by some as not having the correct credentials for running a successful business, however, she has proved all her doubters wrong. Wesley is still here and growing!
Over the years most customers have become friends,some even attending Angie's wedding.
Using very much a "hands on" approach Angie steers Wesley Marine Windows Ltd through through the ups and downs of running a business in todays tough market place.

More to this Guy than meets the eye!
David (Rodney) Bailey
Dave or Rodney as he is known, dropped his CV in one day back in 2009. A few months later we had a position and took him on!!!
We've not stopped laughing since that day due to his sense of humour.
However, as with all of our staff, Dave is a hardworking team member who quietly, well perhaps not quietly, produces quality product, and is very actively involved in the development of our new range of narrowboat windows and overseeing the production of our new range of bi-fold shower doors.
Regular customers may have met him as he often takes the van out on delivery runs.
We don't know of his prowess with a camera but he assures us he is not "the David Bailey"!
Mr Bailey is heavily involved in the development of our new window system about which we will tell you more soon.
Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, Dave lost his voice a few weeks ago so the workshop has been extremely quiet, however ,Dave has fallen off his bike and we think, banged his head. Guess what? His voice has returned!!!!

Sales Director
Jenni Jackson
Jenni has given us a beautiful, quiet, smiley Grandaughter called Ada Jayne. Good as gold so far.
She has been instrumental in making vast improvements to systems recently which have greatly improved the work flow within the factory, unfortunately this has caught our polisher and powder coater on the hop , they now are getting behind in their work!!
Jenni is Angie's Daughter in Law and Mother of her two Grandsons and now a Grandaughter.
Jenni initially joined Angie and the team to look after quality control and the final preparation of windows prior to delivery. Nothing got past our Jen and she was soon taking a lot of the strain from the Bosses' shoulders.
From the cold shop floor Jenni has now progressed to becoming Angie's righthand "person" in the warm office allowing "she who must be obeyed" to concentrate on wider issues.
Jenni has initiated systems which are helping to eliminate problem areas and smoothing the passage of orders.

Gary Jackson
Our Gaz is Angie's son who has been with Wesley Marine Windows Ltd from the very beginning.
Gary is now married to Jess who moved up here from Devon and has settled in like a native.
If you need to know anything "Ask Gaz". Gary has manufactured literally thousands of narrowboat windows, cursed millions of times, driven thousands of miles delivering and withstood at least eight freezing winters all for his Mum. Well, you wouldn't do that sort of thing for the love of the job, would you?
He's also a mean guitarist who's suddenly found fame at the local hostelry.
Gaz stopped smoking in 2012 and although he says he feels better he's still coughing well!

Old Man River
Tony (Marra) Young
Marra's back!!! But for how long???
Marra, well, what can we say? Not enough room here but his main hobby is winding Angie up, and very very successfully too!!! But now he's retiring. Sad day for all! However, he has offered to open up every morning and make the lads' tea!!
Marra joined Angie and Gaz in their first year and the success of Wesley Marine Windows Ltd owes more to Marra than he realises.
He has patiently, well most of the time patiently, listened to requests for the impossible and has actually achieved the impossible after initially responding "That's not possible"!
His official retirement age has come and gone but he still turns up three days a week, we should tell him we've moved!
Marra is now acting as a safety cushion for Dave when cycling into work as he has developed a habit of testing road surfaces for Newark Council and so far he has found one very bad spot!
Unfortunately, Marra has finely decided to retire but from his point of view it means he can finish his kitchen and go and sleep on some more beaches!!! He's a beach bum at heart!
We held a surprise retirement party for him on Saturday evening with all of his family present! He arrived blindfolded looking as if he was about to be executed!! We all had a great evening.

Richard Smith
Richard Smith: Richard also joined us at the beginning of 2016 and has brought his expertise to the business. We think that Richard is a slight cynic who sometimes looks at our practices and thinks that he has stepped back into the Dark Ages!! Manufacturing boat windows is a dark art and doesn't lend itself to modern manufacturing processes!

Quality Control
Mandy Kilvington
Mandy is...well.. Mandy. Poor girl joined us March 2013 and a few weeks later she's still here!! Must be a glutton for punishment!! Very quietly spoken and the boys, bless them, have made a megaphone so she can shout at them but strangely enough, she hasn't taken them seriously! I wonder why?
Mandy is responsible for ensuring that the windows are all clean, polished, watertight and are of a quality to match Wesley's high standards. She has very quickly become part of the team and luckily has a great sense of humour.
Since Mandy joined us the factory has never looked so tidy. Feels more like home!

Wesley's Mascot Annie
Annie our Mascot
Annie joined us in June 2013 as a temporary measure whilst her Dad was in hospital but, we're pleased to say, she is now a permanent part of the staff.
At 6years old Annie is the youngest member of our team and her main role is ensuring that every visitor is welcomed with a bark!
Annie also makes sure that our Angie gets plenty of exercise during tea breaks and at lunchtime by galloping around the playing field adjacent to our factory.
Come and visit Annie but make sure you keep a tight grip on your lunch!!!

Philip Garnett (Our Phil)
Phil joined us initially to help expand the shower door manufacturing side of Wesley however he and Gary are now working together and have improved our inner workings tremendously.
Phil has the dubious distinction of being related to Angie as he is her cousin.
As a "hands on" member of staff Phil has proved that he is more than equal to the job in hand and is able to match the wisecracks bandied around the factory floor!
He will also be taking some of the weight off the shoulders of our Gaz and by taking responsibility for production of the Wesley windows side of the business.

Sandra Tate
Sandra (Sandy) Tate: Sandra who is Jenni's Mum joined us for better or worse, at the end of July and guess what... She's still here!!
Sandra has taken to answering the phone like a duck takes to water. Since Sandra arrived the filing is nearly bang up to date and Jenni has had to behave herself!!

Luke Young
"Can you give my lad a job?" said van driver Dave who was collecting parcels from us. "He's a good worker!"
So we did and he is!! One of the tidiest people we have ever employed he soon progressed from assembling showers to becoming a window bender.
Now he is progressing to manufacturing window units.